ChatGPT can be useful for generating interview questions given job description. Here’s an example of such use.
Prompt: Act as a hiring manager. Generate interview questions for the following job description. Categorize the questions into technical, situational, behavioral, competency-based, and personal and future-oriented categories. Provide 5 questions for each category.
The following Job Description is from an actual job advertisement on for a “Director of Information Technology” at a higher education institution.
Job Responsibilities General Functions:
· Oversees all aspects of technology at the college.
· Oversees system wide communications, staff at all campuses, coordinates the enhancement of online services inclusive of website and Student Information System (SIS).
· Oversees publications functions and publications staff at the college: including official online catalog.
· Interacts with other offices/departments for publications projects related to efforts of promoting positive marketing on behalf of COM-FSM.
· Ensures compliance with ACCJC Accreditation Standard I.C Institutional Integrity for college publications.
· Ensures compliance with ACCJC Accreditation Standard III.C Technology Resources.
· Serves as the ex officio officer to the Information Communications and Technology (ICT) committee.
· Serves on the Management Team.
· Represents the college at various forums at the local, state, regional, and international levels.
· Advises the vice president of institutional effectiveness and quality assurance (VPIEQA) on technology related matters.
· Provides monthly and quarterly reports to the VPIEQA.
· Promotes and ensures compliance with the college’s technology policies and procedures.
· Develops and responsibly manages the information technology budget for the college.
· Develops and responsibly manages an inventory of information technology assets across the college.
Strategic Planning
· Develops strategic planning for the unit aligned to the institution’s strategic plan(s) and goals.
· Develops an information technology plan supporting the Integrated Educational Master Plan (IEMP).
· Coordinates with other units or college leadership to ensure seamless operations and effective technology solutions at the college.
· Identifies and implements process improvements that result in time and cost savings at the college.
Project & Implementation Management
· Leads, coordinates, documents, and tracks technology related projects at the college.
· Collaborates and coordinates with stakeholders and vendors of projects.
· Reports and prioritizes project risks for enhanced oversight, management, and resolution.
Process Improvement & Training
· Identifies opportunities to streamline internal processes, and leads identification of solutions.
· Coordinates and/or conducts training to college users to maximize efficiency.
· Completes an annual unit evaluation and assessment and ensures the results are archived in TracDat.
· Completes a program review to evaluate unit effectiveness in accordance with the four-year cycle for administrative units.
Here are ChatGPT’s generated interview questions based on the text and prompt above.