I have experienced two major technology shifts in my career: the web in the late 1990’s and social media, cloud and mobile in the last few years. In both periods, I have been fortunate to have been given opportunities in my organization to be an early adopter/implementer of these technologies. Along the way, I learned some lessons I carry along with me and I share with my team in how to have some success when it comes to leading change.
- You need champions/advocates and adopters. You need allies.
- Distribute the work AND accolades.
- Recognition should be the byproduct, not the goal.
- Don’t ignore detractors, but don’t let them stop you either.
- Turn your detractors into your allies and you may have your strongest advocates.
- Learn to know when to ask for forgiveness and/or permission.
- You’ll need a plan, but don’t let the plan stifle progress.
- Better to make mistake moving forward than stagnate and do nothing.
- Embrace ambiguity.
- Know that you will make mistakes from time to time. Don’t dwell on them.
- Learn. Always Learn.
- Politics do matter.
- Develop thick skin. You will be criticized.
- Speak in the language of those you’re trying to convince.
- Ask why would folks want to invest time and resources.
- “No” is not permanent.
- Have fun. Hard to sustain energy for a long time if you’re not having fun.
- Anticipate tomorrow’s needs and build solutions for them.
- Look outside your organization/industry to gain perspective, inspirations.
- Dream.
- It’s more than technology. It’s about people and culture.
In your experience, what else would you add?
June 12th, 2012 on 1:59 pm
This: “Politics do matter.” This: “Speak in the language of those you’re trying to convince.” And this: “Turn your detractors into your allies and you may have your strongest advocates.”
I think we often forget these very important aspects to being a “change agent.” It is important to take into account those additional perspectives and find a way to incorporate those into our planning and advocacy.
Great post, Joe!
June 13th, 2012 on 12:04 am
Thanks Kristen!
I realized long time ago I could not make any changes by myself, that’s why building relationships and getting others to buy into what I try to do (have them co-owners of the idea) are two areas I really put a lot of efforts into. Plus, doing it solo is not much fun. I think I get more satisfaction in being able to open doors and watching others who are willing to follow me go through the doors with me. Conversely, when others have ideas, I try to help them out using whatever influence I may have.