Archive for October, 2011

Mobile General Resources

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Web Development Resources

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Working Effectively With Your Boss And Different Communication Styles

I have a great boss who I have a lot of respect for and one I really work very well with. He has  a track record for getting things done, he is very supportive of his staff including me and he is a very hard worker.  We also have different communication and leadership styles. In general, I interpret his style as more direct and task oriented. My style is more relationship oriented and more participatory/facilitator.  I am not really quite sure why our styles are so different. It could be just  our personalities or maybe  because of our cultural backgrounds.

(continue reading…)

Steve Jobs – The Legacy of a Great Innovator

Although I have never met or even came close to Steve Jobs and therefore should not have felt any emotions about his death other than feeling sorry for his family, in a weird way, I felt some type of a loss. It maybe because in some ways, he did have an influence on my life, if not personal, definitely professionally.  I learned about his death via twitter on my iphone. It seems only fitting that I learned of his death with one of the devices he created.  I am writing this post just as a personal reminder of this day and what I think about Steve Jobs.

For the last few months, as part of my job, I have been doing some research on how social media, cloud and mobile can be integrated into our business processes. Yesterday, I attended a webinar on “Social Media and the Enterprise” and today, I will be attending a webinar on “iPad: IT Support Considerations”. I think Steve Jobs played a significant part in shaping the culture of consumer technologies we enjoy today. Mark Zuckerberg of facebook considers Steve Jobs as his mentor and Zuckerberg’s seemingly cavalier attitude towards shaping social media and how focused they are in shaping and implementing their visions is consistent with that of Steve Jobs. Imagine social media without mobile devices? While Apple does not have the monopoly on mobile devices,Steve Jobs, through iPhone and iPad provided the path for other mobile companies by making this market cool and desirable for consumers.

Just a few weeks ago, I came across Steve Jobs’ 2005 commencement address at Stanford University and I had read this book on “The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs” and what came across was that just like other great leaders I admire like UCSB Vice Chancellor or Student Affairs Michael Young, Steve Jobs is a story teller. He is able to tell stories that connect with his audience. In my mind, this is one of the many things that make Steve Jobs very unique.

In some ways, as I watched tv programs last night and as I read the comments on various social media sites, I was inspired by his view on life and his work.  What he shared at his commencement address really resonates with me:

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.” 


Change Your Lenses, Change Your Perspective

Two weekends ago, I went to the driving range and I was hitting the balls pretty well. Then I decided to get contact lenses the following Monday because I wanted to start playing sports again since my eyeglasses had became too cumbersome. Last Sunday, with my new contact lenses, I went to the driving range and all of a sudden, I could not hit any shots at all. My swing just didn’t feel right. As I would set up and look at the ground, something felt different. The clubs look different and it seems my depth perception has changed. It took me awhile to figure out what has changed until I realized it was my contact lenses that was the difference.

As I took a break from hitting balls, it dawned on me that this concept of changing my lenses at work led to changing my perspective. I don’t mean lenses as in getting new eye glasses or contact lenses. What I mean is more of a mental lens. Before my wife went for a vacation to Seattle the beginning of September, I was getting a little frustrated trying to figure out how to promote the use of social media and cloud. Because of security and policy concerns, there were (still are) hesitation on the use of these technologies as business tools. Taking the vacation provided me some time to clear my mind and put on a new set of mental lenses which allowed me to look at the situation a little differently. I came back with the perspective that while the adoption of these technologies might be slower than I would like, I understand that it is a process that requires examining constraints and having to accept that our organizational culture and personalities will ultimately dictate the pace of adoption. I also came to realize that I can continue exploring the benefits of social media and cloud on my personal time knowing full well that the knowledge I acquire now will be of value to my organization at the time we are ready to come to terms with the risks/rewards of these technologies.

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