The content of this training is generated by ChatGPT in response to a prompt provided by Joe Sabado.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this 55-minute training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of ChatGPT and its relevance to higher education IT professionals.
  • Identify potential use cases for ChatGPT in their respective areas of IT operations and management.
  • Explain the benefits of using ChatGPT for internal and external communication, knowledge management, automation, and leadership/management.
  • Evaluate the potential risks and challenges associated with ChatGPT in cybersecurity and HR.
  • Develop strategies for responding to cybersecurity, HR, and other IT-related concerns involving ChatGPT.


I. Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Welcome and introductions
  • Overview of the training objectives and agenda
  • Explanation of ChatGPT and its relevance to higher education IT professionals

II. Understanding ChatGPT (10 minutes)

  • Explanation of the concept of ChatGPT
  • Overview of how ChatGPT works
  • Potential use cases for ChatGPT in higher education IT operations and management

III. Benefits of ChatGPT (15 minutes)

  • Improved internal and external communication
  • Streamlined knowledge management
  • Increased automation
  • Enhanced leadership and management

IV. Risks and Challenges of ChatGPT (10 minutes)

  • Potential cybersecurity risks
  • HR concerns
  • Other IT-related challenges

V. Case Study Activities (10 minutes)

  • Small group discussions on potential use cases for ChatGPT
  • Group presentations and feedback

VI. Responding to Concerns (5 minutes)

  • Strategies for addressing cybersecurity risks
  • Approaches to HR concerns
  • Other IT-related responses

VII. Q&A and Next Steps (5 minutes)

  • Recap of key takeaways
  • Questions and answers
  • Next steps for implementing ChatGPT in higher education IT operations and management

Case Study Activities:

Case Study 1: ChatGPT for Internal Communication (3 minutes)

  • Small group discussion on how ChatGPT can improve internal communication in a higher education IT department (5 minutes)
  • Group presentation and feedback (2 minutes)

Case Study 2: ChatGPT for External Communication (3 minutes)

  • Small group discussion on how ChatGPT can improve external communication with students, faculty, and other stakeholders in higher education (5 minutes)
  • Group presentation and feedback (2 minutes)

Case Study 3: ChatGPT for Knowledge Management (3 minutes)

  • Small group discussion on how ChatGPT can be used to manage institutional knowledge in higher education (5 minutes)
  • Group presentation and feedback (2 minutes)

Responding to Concerns:

  • Cybersecurity risks: Ensure proper authentication and access control measures, regularly monitor ChatGPT for suspicious activity, and implement regular security audits. (1 minute)
  • HR concerns: Develop guidelines for appropriate use of ChatGPT, including the avoidance of sensitive or discriminatory language, and provide training on best practices for ChatGPT usage. (2 minutes)
  • Other IT-related concerns: Develop a comprehensive risk management plan that addresses potential challenges and risks associated with ChatGPT, including data privacy and ethical considerations. (2 minutes)

Time Allocation:

  • Introduction – 5 minutes
  • Understanding ChatGPT – 10 minutes
  • Benefits of ChatGPT – 15 minutes
  • Risks and Challenges of ChatGPT – 10 minutes
  • Case Study Activities – 10 minutes
  • Responding to Concerns – 5 minutes

Q&A and Next Steps – 5 minutes


Email me at for a facilitator’s guide for this training which includes scenarios for the case study section and details for each section.